Visitors are invariably impressed with the design of the building when they first see it. But what they do not see are the numerous technological features built into its structure, which make it one of the most environmentally sustainable office blocks in London. Here are some of the ways in which our new office seeks to limit waste and positively enhance its surroundings. A weather station on the building continually tracks the sun’s position and strength. It uses this information to adjust the position of blinds in the building’s meeting rooms, so as to minimise solar gain.
- Heat generated by fridges and freezer rooms is used to warm the water supplied to the kitchen sinks and in the gym showers.
- “Grey” water from basins and sinks is collected and used to flush the toilets. This is expected to lead to a 40% reduction in water usage.
- We’ve installed the latest LED lighting technology to reduce energy consumption.
- Staff are encouraged to cycle to work, with the provision of almost 200 secure basement cycle parks.
- Before the move, the business recycled or reused 50% of its waste. In 1 London Wall Place, the target is to increase this to 70%.
- The aim is to make the building free of single-use plastic items, such as coffee cup lids or water bottles.
- To further reduce paper usage, staff are given access to a range of digital services, such as electronic filing systems. More than 150 boxes of stationery have been given to charity to pare down the process.
Home to one of Britain's rarest birds
Astonishingly, 1 London Wall Place sits within a small area known to be home to one of the UK’s rarest bird species: the black redstart. There are estimated to be less than 100 breeding pairs of this bird in the UK, and some of this population live and breed in London’s heavily built-up Square Mile. It is thought the birds found secluded nesting places in the bombed ruins of this district after the Second World War and that their population has clung on ever since, despite intensive rebuilding.
The 11 garden terraces and vertical gardens of 1 London Wall Place include nesting boxes for birds and bats and a range of water features and plants to encourage foraging and breeding. Trees include birch, cherry, dogwood and crab apple; and among the smaller plants are many British natives such as bluebells, cowslips, campions, wild thyme and ox-eye daisies. These terraces can hope for regular visits from inner London’s more common species such as blackbirds, tits, sparrows, chaffinches, greenfinches, goldfinches, robins and dunnocks. Peregrine falcons have been sighted regularly in the nearby Barbican, so a lucky observer may spot these, too. But the black redstart is one extremely special local species which the garden designers have specifically kept in mind when planting.
This grey, robin-shaped bird has adapted to live in highly urban environments, says the RSPB, which reckons there are now less than 100 pairs across the country.
The City of London’s planning office has prioritised this species, saying: “The black redstart’s population has seen a drop in numbers linked to loss of breeding sites. “The increase in the number of green roofs in the City is likely to be the key to continued success of this species in the Square Mile.”
This article is issued by Cazenove Capital which is part of the Schroders Group and a trading name of Schroder & Co. Limited, 1 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
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All data contained within this document is sourced from Cazenove Capital unless otherwise stated.