Charity portfolio management service

Most of our charity clients choose to use pooled funds for the management of their assets. This enables us to structure an administratively efficient and cost effective investment mandate, which seeks to access the most talented managers while retaining the ability to adapt.

We recognise that some charities have investment restrictions which rule out the use of pooled vehicles. Therefore, where there are sufficient assets to diversify the trustees’ risk in a cost effective way, we will invest for charities on a segregated basis.

For charities with assets in excess of £1 million

We offer:

  • A tailored investment portfolio
  • Direct investment or best of breed pooled funds
  • Ongoing support and excellent service from our specialist charity team
  • Bespoke quarterly investment reports and valuations
  • Attendance at trustee meetings and invitations to events
  • Cash management products

Understanding your objectives

While charities differ in their requirements, there are four broad stages to our advice:

  • Carrying out an in-depth review of the charity’s financial position, objectives and risk appetite as expressed in a written investment policy
  • Recommending an appropriate strategic asset allocation
  • Tactical asset allocation and investment selection through the business cycle
  • Ongoing monitoring and reporting. This includes reviewing any changes in the charity’s financial circumstances or charity legislation and responding accordingly

We are able to offer support and investment options, for charities with as little as £1,000 to invest. Our charity funds can represent a cost effective and efficient way for charities to access our services. Our portfolio management service, for charities with over £1 million to invest, provides a tailored investment solution capable of meeting a broad range of objectives including those looking to protect against inflation, generate income or with specific ethical requirements.

Asset allocation

Knowledge and expertise allowing us to position your portfolio competitively

What is tactical asset allocation?

Having established the appropriate strategic asset allocation, the next step is to construct the portfolio, taking into account the range of assets and the relative attraction of each asset classes in the prevailing market conditions compared to others. By making short-term overweight or underweight adjustments to the strategic asset allocation in a particular asset class or market, it is possible to take advantage of expected variations in asset performance.

Investment selection

Accessing the best investments for your charity

Once we have finalised the strategy and asset allocation, we select the most appropriate underlying investments. We have the flexibility and depth of research to invest across all asset classes. Our charity clients adopt a variety of strategies, some invest directly in equities and bonds, others focus on diversification through pooled funds. We include external products and managers alongside funds managed by Schroders.

Building an investment portfolio suitable for your charity

Investment strategy is at the heart of any portfolio. We aim to identify the appropriate long-term mix of asset classes that best achieves your charity’s particular investment objectives. In doing so we consider the following factors:

  • Return objective
  • Income requirements
  • Inflation protection
  • Risk tolerance: risk of capital loss over a particular period, risk of not achieving return or income targets
  • Time horizon
  • Liquidity requirements
  • Ethical policy

Meet the team

Our greatest asset is our people, whose experience and skill in managing investments for charities has resulted in excellent performance, service and client satisfaction.