Our Charity Authorised Investment Funds

Our suite of five investment funds is designed exclusively for charities. A charity with just £10,000 can purchase units in our funds.

Other funds

Easily accessible, diverse investment portfolios

The Charity Authorised Investment (CAIF) Fund Committee

The Committee is a consultative body independent of the CAIFs’ Manager and Trustee. The role of the committee is to represent the interests of unitholders in respect of the management and administration of the CAIFs, including in relation to (i) the appointment of delegates providing key services to the CAIFs, the investment objective and policy of the CAIFs, the income and distribution policy of the funds and the fees and charges borne or to be borne by any classes of units of a fund.

View the current committee

Please do get in touch with jeremy.barker@cazenovecapital.com if you have any questions, or would be interested in becoming a committee member in the future.

Meet the team

Our greatest asset is our people, whose experience and skill in managing investments for charities has resulted in excellent performance, service and client satisfaction.

Contacting investment services

The Schroder Investment Services team is on hand to assist with queries regarding direct investments - please contact them on 0800 182 2399  (+44 (0)1397 436969 if calling from overseas) where replies will be dealt with promptly.

Please note, for your security, calls to Schroders may be recorded.

Our latest insights

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