Civil Society Strategy
In August the government published the new Civil Society Strategy which aims to create thriving communities through government action to strengthen the ‘five foundations of social value’
1. People – enabling a lifetime of contribution
2. Places – empowerment and investment for local communities
3. The social sector – supporting charities and social enterprises
4. The private sector – promoting business, finance and tech for good
5. The public sector – ensuring collaborative commissioning
The sector response was broadly positive, with some commentators saying that more detail was needed to turn a list of aspirations into implemented policies.
More information
Charity Financial Reporting
The four charity regulators in the UK and Republic of Ireland have decided to hold a governance review of the constitution and composition of the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) committee and the SORP making process. The Charities SORP is the set of rules which governs charity accounting for charitable companies and larger charities. Read more
Trust in Charities
The Charity Commission published their research into public trust and confidence in charities. The research shows that trust in charities has remained stable over the last few years but hasn’t bounced back from the fundraising and Kids Company ‘scandals’ of 2015/2016. The research highlights the ‘foundations of public trust in charities’ – how the public expect charities to show their impact, how they manage their resources responsibly and how their behaviour supports their charitable purpose.
Source: Charity Commission – Trust In Charities 2018
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