Charity Investment Forum 2023

Thursday 16th November 2023


The theme for this year’s forum was a “Healthy Future”. We were delighted to welcome around 300 charity trustees, investment committee members and executives to hear from investment experts and practitioners as they discussed the big topics that really matter to charity investors.

We looked at the health of the global economy and markets, how to invest for a healthy climate, and how to keep your investment policy in shape.

Our amazing keynote speaker was Tim Spector, an award-winning scientist and author, a Professor of genetic epidemiology at Kings College, Director of the Twins UK study, Scientific Co-founder at ZOE, and one of the world’s leading researchers. He discussed his groundbreaking research into how the microbiome impacts so many aspects of human health.

Watch the recording here

Event speakers

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Tom Montagu-Pollock

Co-Head of Charities

Kate Rogers

Global Head of Endowments & Foundations, Schroders

Emilie Shaw

Portfolio Director and Sustainable Investment Specialist

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Keith Wade

Chief Economist & Strategist

Caspar Rock

Chief Investment Officer

Ahmet Feridun

Deputy Chief Investment Officer

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Tim Spector OBE

Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College London

Nick Perks

Freelance Charity and Philanthropy Consultant

Rob Williamson

Chief Executive, Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland

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Carol Mack OBE

Chief Executive, Association of Charitable Foundations

Sam Jackson

Assistant Director of Policy, Charity Commission for England and Wales

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