Introduction to charity finance and reporting
3 March 2020About
Cazenove Charities, in association with haysmacintyre and Farrer & Co, hosts a comprehensive programme of training sessions for both new and experienced trustees.
The Introduction to Charity Finance and Reporting will cover a wide range of topics.
During this session we will:
- Examine the roles and responsibilities for finance
- What makes charity accounts so different to commercial accounts
- Understand the terminology used and the different accounting treatments that apply
- Explore what you as trustees should expect to receive in your management information packs during the year to effectively monitor the financial operation of your charity
- Review the regulation that charities need to comply with
- Discuss the key reporting challenges
- Discuss how to make best use of your annual report and accounts as a public facing document and fundraising tool
- Looking at the changes brought about by the new Charity SORP
- Managing risk within finance and considering the governance of financial risk
Please note this event has a cost to attend of £30 per person.
Contact Cazenove Charities
Achieving your charity's investment objectives takes time and thought. To find out how we can help you please contact us below.