Sustainable investment

Align your investments with your values and sustainability priorities.

The world is changing at pace. Climate change, shifting demographics and technology are reshaping our planet and society. These shifts cannot be ignored.

We believe that these long-term structural trends will have significant influence on financial markets. Careful consideration of material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors helps to inform our investment decisions to identify opportunities and minimise the risks of failing to adapt. We adopt this approach across all our investment strategies, because we believe it makes good financial sense.  Importantly, ESG integration does not mean we are specifically targeting sustainability objectives or excluding investments on sustainability grounds.

We work with a team of ESG specialists and proprietary tools from Schroders Group to help us appraise the investments we make. Schroders group has over 20 years of experience integrating ESG analysis into everyday investment decisions.

Delivering profit with purpose

Many clients choose to go further than ESG integration and invest in a way that actively looks to avoid harm and seeks to create positive outcomes for people and the planet.

For these clients, we offer our award-winning sustainable investment approach. We work to understand your values and how to best reflect them in your investment strategy. You have a direct say on how your wealth can work – aligning your portfolio with your sustainability priorities, while still seeking attractive financial returns.

Our sustainable investment strategies avoid harmful industries and aim to allocate to in investments that provide an overall positive sustainability outcome based on environmental and social factors. We may also allocate a proportion of the portfolio to investments that aim to contribute to solutions in areas of environmental and social need, by including investments that seek to drive progress towards achieving one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Measuring impact

Investors increasingly want to quantify the impact their holdings have on society and the environment. 

Our adopted Impact Management Framework enables us to choose investments that aim to create positive change. As part of this framework, we have our award winning* impact measurement tool, SustainEx. This allows us to quantify the benefits and costs that companies would face if their positive and negative impacts on the world around them were priced. We measure the potential impact of your investments on people and the planet. We can quantify the carbon footprint of your portfolio, for example, and help you reduce it. We can also estimate the monetary value of the social benefits – and costs – that your portfolio generates.

Engagement and responsible ownership

We believe it is in the interests of our clients to be responsible owners, and accordingly, we exercise our voting powers and actively engage with companies on strategy, risk, performance and governance.

Active ownership is using our influence as a global investment manager, through engagement and voting, to help companies adapt and thrive in a changing world. Importantly, it has long been a key part of our investment philosophy, and plays into our Climate Transition Action Plan – how we intend to transition our assets under management to net zero by 2050 or sooner.

Engagement Report 2023

Cazenove Capital’s 2023 Engagement Report looks at some of the active ownership activity undertaken in the past year. We believe that by understanding how a company or manager is considering all its stakeholders, alongside traditional financial analysis, can help us better assess a company or strategy's long-term investment potential.

Ethical restrictions

Certain businesses are undesirable to some of our clients for ethical and moral reasons. We offer different ethical screens that clients may choose apply to exclude from their portfolios, and in some cases, can offer bespoke ethical screening. 

Screening can take place across a variety of asset classes: direct equities, direct bonds, equity funds and bond funds; and we can screen for tobacco, armaments, alcohol, fossil fuels, gambling, pornography, animal testing (non-medical), ensuring good governance, and Human Rights.

Annual sustainability and impact reports 2023

Our fourth annual sustainability and impact reports for our flagship sustainable funds describes the active fund management approach during 2023 and evaluates the positive impact each fund has made through capital allocation and our active engagement.

Recognised as a leader in sustainable investment

Cazenove Capital’s sustainable investment specialists work closely with experts from the Schroders Group to develop our sustainable investment expertise. We have over 50 sustainability and impact specialists across the Schroders Group, including a dedicated team of 10 specialists within Cazenove Capital.

We are proud to have been recognised for our capabilities in sustainable investing:

Schroder Group Accreditations


United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) assessment – 2016-2022

A rated

Carbon Disclosure Project's climate change assessment – 2022

Top 5

ShareAction’s Global Asset Manager for Responsible Investment – 2022

Top 20

Financial Systems Benchmark, World Benchmark Alliance – 2022

AAA rated

and top 3% – MSCI ESG scoring – 2022

Top 5

Global Canopy Forest 500 – 2023

Cazenove Capital Accreditations*


Magic Circle Awards Best ESG/Impact Manager – 2023


Environmental Finance IMPACT Awards Wealth Manager of the Year – 2023


Jersey Finance Leadership in Sustainable Finance - Investment Management – 2023


ESG Investing Olympics – 2020

Award winning reporting

Schroders SustainEx is the winner of two prestigious awards for innovation, impact measurement and reporting.


Environmental Finance Impact Awards – Impact measurement and impact reporting – 2020


ESG investing Awards – Most innovative ESG Product – 2021

Going beyond: contributing towards areas of environmental and social need

A key focus of our sustainable funds is to contribute towards initiatives that provide solutions to areas of environmental need. To further the impact of our sustainable funds, Cazenove Capital has partnered with three charities to directly support core underfunded areas: conservation of the ocean, protecting biodiversity and pushing for climate justice.

Our Climate Transition Action Plan

We recognise the need to mitigate the risks of climate change within our clients’ portfolios, whilst also taking advantage of the immense opportunities arising from the global response to this challenge. Our Climate Transition Action Plan outlines how we intend to transition to net zero by 2050 or sooner, integrating climate considerations into all that we do.

Our latest insights

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