Schroders and Cazenove Capital scoop sustainability and financial advisory awards at the Citywealth Magic Circle Awards
Cazenove Capital had a big night of (virtual) celebrations, taking home multiple awards at the Citywealth Magic Circle Awards.

Judged by a panel of nine leading industry specialists with voting by clients and private client professionals, these awards celebrate the world's best private investors and their advisors and managers.
Schroders was crowned Impact / ESG Manager of the Year while Cazenove Capital was named Financial Advisory Firm of the Year.
Cazenove Capital also took second place in Private Client Asset Manager of the Year and Charity Investment Manager of the Year.
"I am delighted that the strength of our wealth management business has once again been recognised in the Citywealth Magic Circle Awards. I am particularly proud of our achievement in two important areas of specialism – financial advice and sustainable investment." - Mary-Anne Daly, Chief Executive of Cazenove Capital
Award winning people
Three Cazenove Capital employees also scooped awards in the individuals categories:
Kate Leppard, Cazenove Capital's Head of Client Service, was recognised as Woman of the Year.
Associate Portfolio Manager Rachel Sutton, took gold in the Tomorrow Club award, and Portolio Director Tim Bailey took silver in the Private Banker of the Year category.
Congratulations to all the teams involved across Cazenove Capital and to Kate, Rachel and Tim!
This article is issued by Cazenove Capital which is part of the Schroders Group and a trading name of Schroder & Co. Limited, 1 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
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